Minister Hrnjić meets with Eryilmaz: Enabling knowledge transfer in the field of agriculture

The Federal Minister of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry Kemal Hrnjić met today with Hakan Eryilmaz, advisor for agriculture at the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

They discussed the cooperation in the field of agriculture and the ways to improve it, pointing out the importance of knowledge transfer and lessons learnt between the two countries, especially in the field of modernization of agricultural practices and educational programs for young farmers.

“Technical education contributes to improvement and efficiency in agriculture, and the willingness of colleagues from Turkey to transfer and share their knowledge with farmers in Bosnia and Herzegovina will bring about the much needed improvement in the field of agricultural production,” said Minister Hrnjić.

Councilor Eryilmaz briefed Minister Hrnjić on the activities they are undertaking with the aim of expanding cooperation. He pointed out their commitment to improve cooperation in the organization of scientific and technical conferences in the field of agriculture and food industry, and commended previous efforts spearheaded in particular by the Faculty of Agriculture and Food and the Faculty of Veterinary of the University of Sarajevo, which established successful cooperation with universities in Turkey.