Government adopts Water Management Strategy of Federation BiH 2022-2032

At its 328th session held in Sarajevo on 25 August 2022, the Government of Federation BiH adopted the Water Management Strategy of Federation of BiH 2022-2032, which is part of The Environmental Protection Strategy of Federation 2022-2032, according to Article 24 of the Water Law.

The overall process of the Strategy development followed the participatory approach, implemented in cooperation with and participation of 300 representatives of various institutions and organizations in the Federation of BiH, including the relevant ministries, public authorities and other institutions at all administrative levels, academic community and non-profit sector. Information dissemination and public participation were ensured throughout this process.

The strategic goal of the Water Management Strategy is “protection of water quality and ensuring security of water resources and their sustainability”. The priorities include: preventing deterioration; improving the status of water bodies; creating conditions for sustainable use of water; ensuring drinking water security and water availability for water supply; reducing risks related to extreme water events by establishing a sustainable flood risk management system; climate change adaptation; achieving functional legal and institutional framework for the purpose of aligning with EU water legislation; and ensuring financial sustainability of water sector.

Throughout the next decade, these priorities and measures will guide the efforts at ensuring water quality protection, water availability for users, sustainability of water resources, increasing resilience to climate change, better harmonization of legislation with the EU provisions and international agreements and sustainable public service delivery.