Guidelines for Investors in the Electricity Sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Guidelines for Investors in the Electricity Sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Guidelines for the Investors in the Electricty Sector of Bosnia and Herzegovina have been developed through the support of USAID in cooperation with GIZ and in partnership with the local competent authorities within the project Investing in the Energy Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina.  

These Guidelines are intended for potential investors who wish to invest in the development of electric power facilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). They provide information about the procedure, required permits, competent authorities, as well as other useful information. The Guidelines explain the permitting procedure at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), consisting of the required steps and the documentation to be enclosed with applications for individual permits.

Permitting processes for generation plants are by their nature complex in all jurisdiction. What distinguishes them are the ease with which these processes can be identified. The purpose of these Guidelines is to contribute to the transparency of the BiH permitting regime.

In order to better understand the permitting system in BiH, it is necessary to have in mind the administrative and constitutional organization of Bosnia and Herzegovina which consists of two entities: Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) and Republika Srpska (RS), as well as the Brcko District (BD).